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Sometimes I feel like I am a paper collector & not really a scrapbooker at all! Lately I have completed mini books as gifts - nothing for myself (sigh). I have been both a chronological & a "what ispires" me scraper. Even though I get the creative spark from the "what inspires" me pages, I feel I accomplished more with the chronological - I had a plan & could mark pages off the list as I went. Hmmm. I will need to figure out a balance of both ;-)


Mmmm .. I used to be a buy as much stash as you can and then never really use it scrapper. But then I got real, sold a heap and now I have started to make mini albums, altering stuff etc. I am also doing Becky Higgings Project Life, which you can't get more chronological than that, but loving it! I prefer completing albums rather than just pages, i.e. with a theme. Although this plan could change at any time! I also make digital albums and these have a theme too (currently working on the kids school books, only 7 years behind, LOL!). Hope you all have a HAPPY EASTER!

cathy somdahl

I am not a scrapper, but love admiring others' work that are devout scrappers. Have a great weekend- hope Randy is feeling better give him our best.


First of all, I love your Blog and all your creative ideas!

As far as what kind of scrapper I am, I could fall into several categories. I have always been a chronoligical scrapper, but as I get older, I want to scrap pictures that bring memories to my heart. As I look at ideas in magazines and online, I find myself jotting down notes about pictures I have taken from the past and what I want to scrap about them.

Have a blessed day!

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