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Wendy Henderson

Love Spring because it is the almost start of summer. Birds singing have to be the greatest pleasure from Spring.


I have to be honest, spring doesn't do much for me w/ activities. I mainly look forward to not wearing my winter coat anymore & taking pretty pictures by the cherry trees. The pink flowers are so beautiful!

Joanna Bandelin

Cute card! My favorite activity is scrapbooking of course!

cathy somdahl

I love cutting the grass- the first mow of the season, it just changes the whole landscape of my yard, that has been dormant thru late Fall and Winter. I just did my first mow of the year last week- lawn is greening up nicely now that the city's irrigation canals are operational and we can water it daily.


planting beautiful flowers in my yard! Love it!!

dana kirby

Love the card...so pretty. Gardening and scrapbooking.


Working in my flower garden!


I love walking on the boardwalk...not hot not to cold!!


My favorite Spring activity... celebrating MY BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!! :)

And watching the momma ducks and her babies following. I love that part of spring. All the new life coming in to the world. :)


Baseball practice starting!

Deanne Sharp

Spring cleaning and getting rid of clutter!


My favorite spring activity if you can call it an activity is working in my yard its therapeutic for me plus I enjoy planting a variety of colorful flowers in my yard to make it cheerful. Your flower cards have inspired me to plant flowers this week lets just hope the Texas weather cooperates.


I love the singing birds and pulling weeds. (really I do) :)

Sharon Graham

I have started walking in the morning and love hearing all the birds singing.


I love the first evening walk of the spring - when it's a little bit lighter in the evenings, and the flowers are blooming. Ahhh!

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