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Shanna Pritts

VERY IMPRESSIVE! You girls always have to have a leg up on us Arizonians (aka - heat lovers NOT!) Between you and Steph I'm feeling a little creative, BUT WAIT!, maybe it's the lack of funds that keep me from being rightbrained. I don't know how you guys afford such gorgeous pages (then again, you do get discounts). When are going to open your own store..say maybe a little east, about six to seven hours away, (JK)

Love Shanna

Stephanie Tafoya

first...this is what a huge scrappy dork I am, when I click on the picture from Las Vegas, it gives me butterflies! Should I even say it out loud? Next year I wanna go in your suitcase, K?...second...shheesshehhh...celeb..hah...you have been published!

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